Download Win4Yaesu Suite Version 1.462

WARNING! Use only the drivers from Yaesu’s website.  Do NOT use the Silicon Labs universal drivers.  If you get errors when starting the software please read the FAQ.


Win4YaesuSuite has a full featured 30 day trial so that you can try out all of the functionality before you purchase. Just download the program. If you decide to buy the software you can convert your trial license to a full no time limited license for use on up to 3 personal machines. The download is the same for the trial and paid versions.  Once you purchase the software it is yours.  There are NO REFUNDS.

Be sure to disable your anti-virus during the install!

Save yourself lots of time. Read the first 3 pages in the manual! and read the FAQ and Release Notes.

Important note for Yaesu radios: None of the radios will provide a panadapter without additional hardware.  Win4Yaesu supports the SDRPlay devices or any other panadapter through it’s 3rd party software support.

Note: This version works with Main Firmware 01-22 and higher for the FTDX-3000.  Main Firmware 01-30 and higher for the FTDX5000. Main Firmware 01-14 and higher for the FTDX-1200. Main Firmware 01-09 and higher for the FT-991A.  Main Firmware 02-21 and higher for the FT-991.  If you use other firmware you will not have menu access nor equalizer functions. It is important to have latest firmware on your radio!!  Please check here for how to update.

Please note that the Yaesu FTDX9000 is still in beta. Please contact support at for information.