Frequently Asked Questions

1)  If you get errors during startup of the software, you may be using the wrong drivers for the comport from Yaesu.  Open Google, search for Yaesu FTDX10 (or what ever rig you are using) and then click on the Files Tab. In there you will find the drivers for your radio.   For older radios you may see drivers listed as SCU-17.  Use those.  Next, you will need to open the Windows device manager, right click on the comport driver and select Uninstall driver.  Make sure you then click the checkbox “Delete driver software”.  When this is finished, unplug the USB cable to the radio and install the new driver.  Then plug in the USB cable.

2) COM0COM is shown as not working in the Windows Device Manager or the ports do not show up in Win4Yaesu.

An alternative to COM0COM version 3, is to use COM0COM version 2. This bypasses all the recent issues with COM0COM and the latest versions of Windows 10 and 11.  Open the device manager, and look for com0com. Right click on any com0com entry and select uninstall. Note: You will need to select “Delete driver software” when you uninstall com0com version 3 from the Windows device manager before you can use version 2.  Next install com0com version from this link: com0com version 2

3) For the FTDX101 and FTDX10, you must use the USB port on your radio and NOT the RS232 port.  Download the drivers from Yaesu’s site.

4) DO NOT USE Microsoft OneDrive to replication your MyDocuments folder!  Very bad idea! 

This will not work properly with many .NET applications.

5) I just bought the software and now there is a new version!

No worries.  Win4Yaesu Suite will have frequent updates.  These are either the result of improvements, additional functionality or bug fixes.  Just download the new release and follow the release note page for the installation.

6) Win4Yaesu provides an error message and closes

In almost all cases this is due to the serial port closing. It can close for 2 reasons: USB Power savings has occurred or RFI.  Don’t think you have RFI?  Did you measure it with a field strength meter? The Silicon Labs USB ports on Yaesu radios are extremely susceptible to RFI.  Yout MUST have a ferrite like an FT240-31 on the cable like this: (beads are useless).

7) How do I install Win4Yaesu Suite?

Just follow the first few pages of the manual.  It will save time and energy.

8) All the peaks on the spectrum are small!

You need to zoom in!  Press the Help button on the right of the spectrum window or watch the video on how to use the spectrum scope

9) How do I change the scale for the signal amplitude?

See #8

10) I need a SIGNED version of com0com for my 64 bit version of Windows.  Where do I find this?

The only signed version of 64 bit com0com is located here:  Use version NOT 3

11) I installed the UNSIGNED com0com!

If you download an unsigned version of com0com and then try to install the correct signed version, you will need to do the following.  Uninstall the unsigned version, then install the signed version.  You will receive errors.  Go into the Control Panel –  Device Manager and you will see the com0com driver with an exclamation mark. Double click on it, then select the Driver tab, then Uninstall.  You will then get a dialog and there is a check box saying “Delete the driver software for this device“.  Check this.  This will remove the newer unsigned driver that Windows kept along when it did the uninstalls.  Reinstall the signed driver and you are good to go.

12) I cannot log in to my ClubLog account.

The first thing to check is if you have a reserved letters in your password:  Reserved letters are letters that will not work correctly with the underlying web control software.  These include ? ” \ etc.  These will work interactively but not through the software.  Please change your password to omit these characters.

If your password is OK, then make sure you are signing in with your call sign, not email address.  ClubLog allows both interactively but the @ sign is reserved as above.

13) The buttons are a weird color or not visible

You need to select any theme other than Windows Classic.  Windows classic is a very old theme from the days before Windows XP.  Right click your desktop and select “Personalize” and then “Themes”.

14) The spectrum scope graphics only fill part of the screen

You need to make sure your font scaling is set to 100%, 150% or 200%.  Settings values such as 133% do not work correctly.  Perhaps Windows Creator Edition will fix this.

15) How to listen and transmit using Windows (non-network)

Win4 really has nothing to do with the sound. This is purely a Windows thing.
So basically you need to redirect the sound from the radio to your headset speakers and the sound from your headset microphone to the input of the radio.
You will notice two sound devices from the radio. One is a Speaker and one is a microphone.

To hear the sound from the radio:
Open the Windows control panel and select Sound.
Click on the recording tab
Select the sound codec that corresponds to your radio (It will be something like Microphone – USB Codec)
Click on Properties
Next click on the listen tab
At this point check the checkbox “Listen to this device” and then Playback through your headset speakers.
Click apply and it should now work.

To send sound from your headset microphone, it is the same idea.

Open the Windows control panel and select Sound.
Click on the recording tab
Select the sound codec that corresponds to your headset microphone.
Click on Properties.
Next click on the listen tab
At this point check the checkbox “Listen to this device” and then Playback through your USB Codec of the radio, something like Speakers, USB Audio Codec
Click apply and it should now work.

16) I have more than one radio.  How can I control both with different settings?

Download both the 64 bit and 32 bit versions of the software.  They are identical except have different version numbers and install in different folders.  The settings are distinct. Rename the short cuts for your radio.